E2C personnel are leading consultants in remediation of impacted sites with on average 28 years of experience. Our experienced staff know that successful cleanup requires tried and true remedial solutions, the right approach based on site conditions, and innovative techniques. E2C recognizes the client’s needs for a rapid site evaluation, the right remediation approach, and closure of contaminated soil and groundwater sites. We focus on reducing our client’s liability and expense, satisfying environmental regulatory requirements, and achieving site closure.
Source Locations include:
Fueling stations
Dry cleaners
Coal bed methane seepage
Federal and State facilities
Industrial, commercial, and residential properties
Oil and gas production, storage and refineries

Our Methods and Service Include:

Detailed site assessment
Pilot testing
Construction and installation of mechanical systems
Construction management
Ex-situ treatment
In-situ treatment
Injection programs
Performance monitoring
Monitoring natural attenuation (MNA)
Fate and transportation modeling
Operation and Monitoring (O&M)
Soil vapor mitigation